

Creativity Flow & Performance Enhancement

Biofield Science

Blending Science, Spirituality & Intuition

Contemplative Science

Work Place Culture

Brainspotting Resources:

Brainspotting Facebook Groups:

There are many Brainspotting Facebook groups that you may be interested in joining. Just as a reminder, if you decide to ask about cases, please remember confidentiality is imperative. Please do not share any client identifying information and be vague overall. We do encourage that you seek out consultation if you have Brainspotting questions about clients.

Attachment Resources:

Working With Parts:

Teaching Parts Nurturing and Self Compassion:

Polyvagal Theory:

Resources for Couples:

Anti-racism/Anti-oppression Resources:

We wanted to add some resources to aid your journey in anti-racism and in understanding systemic racism. This information can support the beginning of your journey in educating yourself on this topic. As a result, this can increase your attunement with your clients. Recommended readings:

Additional Training Resources:


Brainspotting, Spirituality & Intuition: