Creativity Flow & Performance Enhancement
- Core Creativity: The Mindful Way to Unlock Your Creative Self
- Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life
- High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way
- The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer
- Sparked: Discover Your Unique Imprint for Work that Makes You Come Alive
- The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer Paperback
- Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
Biofield Science
- Consciousness Healing Initiative
- Healing Ourselves Biofield Science and the Future of Health
- Electric Body, Electric Health
- Biofield Tuning
Blending Science, Spirituality & Intuition
- Mohandas E., (2008), Neurobiology of Spirituality. In: Medicine, Mental Health,
Science, Religion, and Well-being (A.R. Singh and S.A. Singh eds.), MSM, 6, Jan - Dec 2008,
p63-80. - The neuroscientific study of spiritual practices
- The Spiritual Implications of Quantum Physics: Reflections on the Nature of Science, Reality and Paradigm Shifts
- The Love Frequency
- The Awakened Brain
- IntraConnected: MWe (Me + We) as the Integration of Self, Identity, and Belonging (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
Contemplative Science
- Center for Contemplative Research
- Human Flourishing: Scientific insight and spiritual wisdom in uncertain times
Work Place Culture
- Vibrant Workplace
- The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace: Empowering Organizations by Encouraging People
Brainspotting Resources:
- Midwest BSP Institute
- Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute
- Southeast Brainspotting Institute
- Brainspotting certification & trainings
Brainspotting Facebook Groups:
There are many Brainspotting Facebook groups that you may be interested in joining. Just as a reminder, if you decide to ask about cases, please remember confidentiality is imperative. Please do not share any client identifying information and be vague overall. We do encourage that you seek out consultation if you have Brainspotting questions about clients.
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/brainspottingpractitioners
- https://www.facebook.com/Everything-Brainspotting-More-293271071232915
- Brainspotting Resource Hub
Brainspotting-Kids - Brainspotting and addictions
Attachment Resources:
- The Neuroscience of Human Relationships: Attachment and the Developing Social Brain (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology) Second Edition
- Right Brain Psychotherapy (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology) Illustrated Edition
- Dan Siegel's Videos on Attachment
- Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help YouFind - and Keep - Love
- Healing Your Attachment Wounds: How to Create Deep and Lasting Intimate Relationships
- A 3-Step Approach to Help Heal Attachment Wounds – with Frank Anderson, MD
- The Neurobiology of Attachment and How that Profoundly Impacts the Treatment of Trauma
- Treating Attachment Trauma - training resources
Working With Parts:
- Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation: Skills Training for Patients and Therapists (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
- Treating Trauma-Related Dissociation: A Practical, Integrative Approach (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
- BOOK: Thomas Holmes Parts Work - Easy Book to explain parts of self
- Inner Active Cards - Visual cards that help for more visual learners
- BOOK: No Bad Parts
- BOOK: Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy
- Derrick Scott IFS and Shame
- Transcending Trauma by Franker Anderson, MD
- Janina Fischer's website
- Book: (Body Awareness) Healing Trauma - Peter Levine
- Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy: Awareness, Breath, Resonance, Movement, and Touch in Practice
- Awe in Trauma Podcast: Parts Work with David Grand
- Working with Voices and Dissociative Parts
Teaching Parts Nurturing and Self Compassion:
- Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy - simple video talks about how parts form
- April Steele – Imaginal Nurturing - I use imaginal nurturing CD's outside session to help system receive nurturing.
- Self-Compassion Guided Practices and Exercises- Helps client's system practice self nurturance and receiving
- Tara Brach RAIN
Polyvagal Theory:
- Anchored: How to Befriend Your Nervous System Using Polyvagal Theory
- Polyvagal Institute
- Training in Safe & Sound Protocol
- Polyvagal Theory: A Science of Safety
Resources for Couples:
- Do you know your Attachment Style?
- Making Marriage Simple: Ten Truths for Changing the Relationship You Have into the One You Want
- Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples: Third Edition
- Safe Conversations workshops
- Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
- Dr. Sue Johnson
- Us: Getting Past You and Me to Build a More Loving Relationship
Anti-racism/Anti-oppression Resources:
We wanted to add some resources to aid your journey in anti-racism and in understanding systemic racism. This information can support the beginning of your journey in educating yourself on this topic. As a result, this can increase your attunement with your clients. Recommended readings:
- My Grandmother's Hands - Resmaa Menakem
- The Quaking of America : An embodied guide to navigating our nation's upheaval and racial reckoning
- Additional Training with Resmaa Menakem
- White Fragility - Robin DiAngelo
- Me and White Supremacy - Layla F. Saad
- The Inner Work of Racial Justice - Rhonda Magee
- Doing Nothing Is No Longer An Option - Jenny Booth Potter
Additional Training Resources:
- Developmental Trauma & Dissociation Additional Trainings/Information:
- Internal Family Systems Therapy
- International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation
- Treating Trauma-related Dissociation by Kathy Steele, Suzette Boon, Onno vander Hart, PhD
- The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
- Coping with Trauma-Related Disassociation
- Healing Trauma by Peter Levine
- The Empath's Survival Guide Life Strategies for Sensitive People
- The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
- Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World that Wasn't Designed for You
Brainspotting, Spirituality & Intuition:
- Radical Intuition: A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power
- Resilient: How to Grow an Unshakable Core of Calm, Strength, and Happiness
- The Awakened Brain
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
- Aware: The Science and Practice of Presence--The Groundbreaking Meditation Practice
- Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma―and Our World
- The Energy Codes: The 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life
- Flow
- The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer
- Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
FLOURISHING - Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being
- Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful Life