Brainspotting Phase 1

1. Identify Your Profession *
2. How many years of experience do you have in your profession? *
3. The learning objectives were fully addressed. *
4. After attending this program, I am able to summarize the standards of care and professional practice of the International Brainspotting Association. *
5. After attending this program, I am able to describe the hypothesized neurological underpinnings of how brainspotting works. *
6. After attending this program, I am able to summarize the research that supports the hypothesized way in which eye positions activate and accesses midbrain activity. *
7. After attending this program, I am able to explain the uncertainty principle as it relates to brainspotting. *
8. After attending this program, I am able to describe the concepts of simultaneous neurobiological and relational attunement. *
9. After attending this program, I am able to explain the importance of client-therapist attunement during brainspotting. *
10. After attending this program, I am able to explain how the treatment frame is set and held by the therapist. *
11. After attending this program, I am able to explain the role of focused mindfulness in brainspotting. *
12. After attending this program, I am able to discuss the similarities and differences between the activation and resource models of brainspotting. *
13. After attending this program, I am able to explain the concept of limbic countertransference. *
14. After attending this program, I am able to demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the outside window brainspotting technique. *
15. After attending this program, I am able to demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the inside window brainspotting technique. *
16. After attending this program, I am able to demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the gaze spot brainspotting technique. *
17. After attending this program, I am able to demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the resource model of brainspotting technique. *
18. After attending this program, I am able to assess the appropriate brainspotting techniques for the treatment of Post-traumatic stress disorder, including the Dissociative Subtype, and other trauma-related symptoms. *
19. After attending this program, I am able to describe two challenges to assessing and providing evidence-based treatment to individuals with Complex PTSD. *
20. The course content met my expectations. *
21. The content of this program was useful for my practice or other professional development. *
22. The course content was current. *
23. Instructional materials were suitable and useful. *
24. My request for accessibility accommodations were met satisfactorily, if applicable. *
25. Course registration was user friendly. *
26. Program administration questions or concerns were addressed to my satisfaction. *
27. The instructor/author presented the course content effectively. (Cherie Lindberg, PhD.) *
28. The instructor was responsive to participants. (Cherie Lindberg, PhD.) *
29. Course technology was user-friendly. *